Oil Price Uncertainty Event – 19 March 2015
‘SPE Namibia’ and Economic Association of Namibia Joint Technical and Networking Meeting. The topic presented was 2015 Oil Price Uncertainty: Why has it fallen and what does it mean for African Exploration. You can find the presentation below:
Economic Outlook – 19 February 2015
Early Childhood Event – 19 January 2015
On the 19th of January 2015, the Economic Association of Namibia partnered with UNICEF Namibia to stage a presentation and discussion about the importance of investing in Early Childhood Development in the country. The presentation is available below:
Mr. Klaus Schade – Presentation on Global, Regional and Domestic Growth Prospects
Mr. Klaus Schade (Executive Director of the EAN) gave a presentation on global, regional and domestic growth prospects at a breakfast meeting of the Institute of Internal Auditors Namibia (IIA) on 8 March 2017. Mr. Heinrich Joodt (IIA), Mr. Klaus Schade (EAN) and Ms. Birgit de Lange (IIA) (from left to right).
EAN’s contribution to a panel discussion on “Africa and EU in Partnership: joint opportunities and challenges – Sustainable Economic Development”
Presentation by Klaus Schade
The Logistics Sector, the Sustainable Development Goals and Regulatory Requirements – 8 April 2016
Presentation by Klaus Schade at the Tralac Annual Conference