Inequality realities: A photographic competition

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The Economics Association of Namibia (EAN), the Namibian newspaper and Hans Seidel Foundation are hosting a National Conference on Inequality in Windhoek on the 5th of September 2018. To broaden perspectives on inequality, members of the public are invited to submit entries to a competition of photos that clearly and vividly depict the many realities and causes of inequality in Namibia as well as solutions.

All entries should be taken within Namibia ,in digital jpg format and each image being no larger than 5 mb. Entrants are limited to 3 (three) entries each which should be emailed to Photos can also be shared on Twitter using the Conference hashtag #InequalityConf2018.

The closing day for entries is 31 August 2018. Each entry should be accompanied by an emailed statement giving the name and telephone number of the entrant, the place and date where the photo was taken.

A selection of entries will be published in the Namibian and on Twitter (@EANamibia) and displayed at the conference venue. Winning entries will be announced at the conference on the 5th of September. The top prize will be N$5,000, with N$3,000 going for 2nd place, and N$1,000 for 3rd place.



17 Aug 2018

